Exposing The Hollie Greig Hoax & The Lies Of Abuse & Murder

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Robert Green who built a career on lies, libel & exploitation in recent years, for which he was inprisoned HAS DIED, age 73 …

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 09/04/2019

This site was first posted on, on 22-Oct-2012 and material from the original
http://StolenKids-HollieGreig.blogspot.com were imported upto 03-Mar-2010.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the STORIES surrounding allegations of sexual abuse of Hollie Greig are a dishonest and malicious hoax promoted by Anne Greig, Robert Green, Stuart Usher and others amongst their perverse cult following.

I freely admit I was conned into support of the claims, based upon lies and promises of evidence that never materialised. I unreservedly apologise to anyone who may feel they have thus been defamed by my error.

For details of the background we would ask you to read the PAGE at CLICK HERE

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Robert Green who built a career on lies, libel & exploitation in recent years, for which he was inprisoned HAS DIED, age 73 …

Posted by:
Greg Lance – Watkins



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The odious liar & conspiracy fantasist has announced the death of his fellow conspiracist the liar who exploited the of & her severely daughter for personal notoriety! Sympathies to his 2 kids.

I am given to understand the somewhat infamous , who built his notoriety on exploiting the fantasies & mental health of & her Downs_Syndrome daughter has died I believe he was about 70

I am given to understand that Robert Green died on the 09-Apr-2019 at the age of 73.

Robert Green was at one time, in his earlier life, a travel agent until he was declared spectacularly bankrupt – those who knew him will be unsurprised to know he blamed others!

Later in life Robert Green achieved notoriety by exploiting the mental health & instability of Anne Greig and her unfortunate daughter Hollie Greig who was a severely handicapped victim of Downs Syndrome.

Green assisted Anne Greig to promote the allegation that her daughter had, together with 7 others been sexually abused and used as some kind of ‘sex slaves’ by 22 individuals Robert Green & an associate Stuart Usher published and distributed the names of both in Edinborough & Aberdeen – without one iota of provenance.

Later Green was to appear in Court, where he was found guilty of his vile crimes, and served at least a couple of prison sentences which he indubitably deserved.

I appreciate Robert Green had both a son and a daughter who will probably feel the loss of their father despite the fact that his obsession for attention must indubitably have caused them great concern.

Though I appreciate his son and daughter’s loss I can well understand those whom he maligned, libelled and abused have every right to heave a sigh of relief at his demise – just as they may well do when David Icke, Brian Gerrish, Belinda McKenzie, Matt Quinn and the like inevitably follow him!



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins
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Posted in Aberdeen, Anne GREIG, David ICKE, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W, Hollie Greig, Hollie Greig Hoax, Robert GREEN | Tagged: , , , , , | 1 Comment »

The Lies of Robert Green & The Hollie Greig Hoax

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 04/06/2014

The Lies of Robert Green & The Hollie Greig Hoax:

This site was first posted on on 22-Oct-2012 and material from the original
http://StolenKids-HollieGreig.blogspot.com were imported upto 03-Mar-2010.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the STORIES surrounding allegations of abuse of Hollie Greig are a dishonest and malicious hoax promoted by Anne Greig, Robert Green, Stuart Usher and others.

I freely admit I was conned into support of the claims, based upon lies and promises of evidence that never materialised. I apologise to anyone who may feel they have thus been defamed by my error.

For details of the background we would ask you to read the PAGE CLICK HERE


The Lies of Robert Green
The Hollie Greig Hoax:



Posted by: In: Jon Stevenson & Maggs Shaw 02 Jun 2014 

A SHORT MONTAGE FEATURING SOME OF ROBERT GREEN’S LIES.Here are some examples, of which there are many more, but we have put just these few together to show you how Robert Green will change his story, or to put it simply, blatantly lie in order to seek credibility for the fantasies he insists are true. The story is so full of holes now it is sinking faster than it is possible to keep up with.



psychiatric report - anne elizabeth mackie 05 Hollie into care


Robert Green went back to Aberdeen Sheriff Court on 30th May 2014 in order his defence could submit pleads of “Competency and Relevance.”


When we arrived,  Belinda McKenzie was setting up her wares outside the Aberdeen Court, pulling a battered old shopping trolley full of leaflets and a piece of 3×2 with a shoddy looking Hollie Demands Justice  poster stuck to it.


Sadly, when she became aware of our presence, she tail hiked it out of there,  almost getting run over in the process, and then proceeded to set up ‘stall’ on the street corner a little further down the road.



This was viewed as extremely odd behaviour.   For the last few years Belinda has used a megaphone, just to make sure everyone could hear her, it seemed as if it was almost welded to her mouth.  Of course that was used during the period everyone believed her, when everyone thought the ‘story’ was true, and she could command a more than willing audience.   Belinda running away!?  testimony to the fact…. Belinda is not happy at all to answer questions…she is far happier, and much more in her comfort zone…  to ‘tell’ people.      Or, was her sharp exit something to do with her not wanting the ‘new friend’ that accompanied her to the  Court being made aware of the 75 million pounds that just disappeared, went missing, from the coffers of Iran Aid, a Charity that Belinda was involved in.   Or,  perhaps,  is it possible her new friend is part of the ‘new venture’, one that Belinda is helping to set up  ….strangely enough…another charity.  The Knight Foundation.



With only 10 minutes to go before Court opened, we decided to make our way into the court building where we found Mr Green sitting all alone outside Court number 4 waiting for the doors to open.


“How do you see it going to day Robert” he was asked, to which his reply was “can’t speak” with a wave of his hand and then a dash to the Police to look for protection.


Robert complained that we were trying to talk to him – no doubt he used more flowery language than that when reporting to the Police, but, these are the same Police Robert has, for more than four years now, over and over again called “corrupt, paedophile protectors, Freemasons and pronouncing they simply could not be trusted – not to mention accusing them of covering up murder for which the entire Scottish Judiciary are involved.


During the hearing the Sheriff informed all that no one was to attempt to communicate with Robert, and should they do so they would be committing contempt of court and could come up on charges in front of his honour.


UPDATE SUNDAY 1ST JUNE  from the anonymous author on Free Robert Green


“Attempts by the Hollie Greig Hoax campaign to engage Robert in conversation, against the restrictions placed on him by the court, were again reported to the police by Robert. They were also brought to the attention of the court by Robert’s QC and the Sheriff warned that this behaviour must stop or those responsible could be held in contempt of court. So Robert should not be troubled further in this way. A small issue but another example of the court defending Robert’s rights.”


At last, Robert has finally realised.  He is not allowed to communicate with anyone about this matter.   Unfortunately,  it has taken 4 years for him to fully understand, but during this time, it has taken,  two terms in prison, two interdicts, many arrests, cost the tax payer thousand and thousands of pounds, distressed his family, and many innocent people he accused of being paedophiles, incited hate against these people, and, willfully, and purposefully repeatedly called the Scottish Judiciary corrupt.


In view of the last sentence in the above quote, we trust that Robert will be retracting his statements about the Scottish Judiciary.


Robert might find this difficult though because Sheriff Fleetwood declared that Sheriff G Buchanan was in fact his adversary a few years ago.  So seemingly they are friends. Will Mr Green be placing him on his ‘hit’ list too?   That is quite doubtful judging by the smiles and joviality towards Sheriff Fleetwood by Robert – he is probably grateful for his assistance.


For was it not Mr Green that claimed there was a massive cover up of a paedophile ring involving high ranking members of the Scottish Judiciary?  Hypocrisy? Irony? or just down right stupidity on Mr Green’s behalf! Robert knew in June 2010 that Sheriff Buchanan was NOT involved with the Hollie Greig case, and that he did not have a sister or sister in law named Evelyn, nor is his brother named Jack!


But Robert carried on regardless.


No doubt supporters will find it hard to believe the Scottish Judiciary are now protecting “Robert Green” …..


…another quote from the article


“No longer is Robert treated as an interloper and troublemaker, the court is far more measured, far more neutral. Just as in the case of the previous bail hearing, there is a visible public fairness being displayed.”


It always has been, it is just that conspiracy theorists DON’T want it to be.  Perhaps,  Mr Green might make a public apology to the Scottish Judiciary he has so viciously persecuted during the last few years. Strange situation, because, as pointed out previously, Mr Green  ran to the very people he claims are corrupt and are child abusers… I am not sure if there is a word in the Oxford/English dictionary which could describe this scenario, unless anyone would care to invent one?


Now of course, when Robert feels the need, the Scottish Police are his trustworthy protectors and upholders of the law.  Have no doubt, he will now see these tyrants in a new light.    Will  Brian Gerrish be able to refrain from including Sheriff Fleetwood on his comprehensive, unseen  list of other corrupt Scottish paedophile criminals you so often hear him talk about…?


Here’s an excerpt from “Hollie Demands Justice:”


“It would seem that the Scottish crown, has enabled the alleged abusers to find a method of resolution, at no cost, allowing them to hide behind the judiciary, aiding and abetting a Sheriff who, seemingly had access to the public purse in pursuit of the arrest of Robert Green on a breach of the peace charge so that he could be silenced.”


And here is a letter Robert penned recently,  while in prison,  again clearly showing him abusing and defaming the Scottish Judiciary:


PN 125799





Hello Belinda

I am currently reading about the horrific Marc Dutroux case in Belgium and the comparisons between the Belgian authorities and their Scottish equivalents over Hollie’s case are alarmingly similar and almost as chilling.

It is hard to credit a political system with the slightest perception of civilisation when it consistently refuses to bring the perpetrators of such horrors to justice, particularly when some are known to the authorities, as demonstrated by the contents of the police intelligent report.

I do not know if or when I shall be freed, but thank you for everything. Please tell Hollie from me that any honour I receive or am nominated for will be first and foremost, dedicated to her!

Very best wishes



Marc Dutroux case – There was widespread anger and frustration among Belgians due to police errors, the general slowness of the investigation and Dutroux’s claims that he was part of a sex ring that included high-ranking members of the police force and government. This suspicion that Dutroux had been, or was being, protected, and anger over the outcome, culminated when the popular judge in charge of investigating the claims was dismissed on the grounds of having participated in a fund-raising dinner for the girls’ parents. The investigation itself was wrapped up. His dismissal and end of the investigation resulted in a massive protest march (the “White March”) of 300,000 people on the capital, Brussels, in October 1996, two months after Dutroux’s arrest, in which demands were made for reforms of Belgium’s police and justice system.


Of course, it’s been a long term aim of both Robert Green and Brian Gerrish of the UK Column to link genuine cases to Hollie Greig, and this is yet another attempt to do just that. But it once again shows Green’s contempt for the Scottish Judiciary, even though throughout his hearing he was smiling and laughing along with Sheriff Fleetwood in those moments of digress……Hypocrisy should be Mr Green’s middle name but we must remember he is yet another victim in all of this – and his deteriorating mental state is now clearly visible….


For around two hours the Court heard Green’s defence barrister argue that the Crown’s accusations were neither competent or relevant.  He sighted many different cases in an attempt to weigh his argument for which Sheriff Fleetwood was most courteous and gave him plenty of time to fully explain his somewhat semantic legal points of law as well as confirming that Robert broke his harassment order by sending letters, emails, blog writing and appearing on a TV internet show – just as we have always maintained.


It didn’t take long however for Prosecutor Mackintosh to further explain the Crown’s position which seemed to completely override the defence and push this case further down the road to a full trial – or if Robert knows what is good for him a plea of “Guilty” for which he should be released as he has served half of a sentence applicable for such an offence.


Indeed that is what we believe will happen in the coming weeks – around 6 weeks to be precise it will be decided whether the case against Green should be thrown out, found guilty, or a trial will begin but whatever the outcome Robert Green is unlikely to see anymore jail time but will cost the Scottish Tax Payer more of their hard earned cash.


Mr Green might fall into the trap, the trap being set for him, enticing him to carry on with this fruitless, futile campaign by being informed that some anonymous MP has put his name forward for nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize


“Perhaps the letter writing, and Nobel Prize nominating action by supporters and Roberts quiet determination that justice and truth are worth fighting for is having an effect. We must keep up the work of course, but the last two court appearances have given the Hollie Greig campaign something it lacked during the dark days around the Stonehaven trial – legitimate hope”



Gillian Swanson on May 21, 2014 at 12:20 pm said commenting on Free Robert Green.

“Oh mentioned the Nobel Prize Nomination – this was given a lot of attention on the UK Column News yesterday, some people had been saying it wasn’t genuine, because of the MP not being named, but Brian Gerrish said this was nonsense, he knew the MP in question, and he has the support of others. Would it be a good idea to send copies of the nomination letter along with letters and e-mails ?”


Unfortunately Brian Gerrish refrains from showing anyone anything!  He still refuses, or more likely, cannot produce any evidence or testimony”  outlining his ‘success stories’ concerning anti child abuse campaigning.  It might be prudent to take anything Mr Gerrish says with a massive pinch of salt.  Yes,  why is it that Belinda is reluctant to publish the emails/letters concerning Mr Green and the Nobel Peace Prize?  Could it be they do not have any?   Has anyone seen confirmation from the anonymous MP?


Mr Green will be attending Court in July.  We will also be there to hear the decision live and will report on it asap. Whatever the conclusion in this case you can bet on one thing – we will continue to watch Robert with a keen eye and should he once again break his court order we will have no hesitancy in letting the authorities know about it while still trying to bring to justice the other perpetrators – Yes -you know who you are!


Mr Green, not permitted to talk about the Hollie Greig Case, magic to many people’s ears…..long may it reign.

To view the original of this article CLICK HERE

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  1. Posted by Greg Lance – Watkins, [aka Greg_L-W.] 04 Jun 2014 at 12:16 am Reply

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.


    although, having shown and proved that the Hollie Greig stories of sexual abuse and the claims regarding her uncle Roy’s suicide were clearly and undeniably a hoax, or to put it more accurately an unsustainable tissue of lies and fantasies some years ago I am astonished that the rascal Robert Green is still permitted to waste the time and money of tax payers with his fabrications and lies.

    Possibly even more surprising is the fact that there are still low lifes and scoundrels who still claim to believe his lies and support his odious behaviour.

    One can understand crooks like Brian Gerrish, David Icke and Belinda McKenzie continuing to try to promote the scam as it seems they seek, in one way or another, to profit from the perpetuation of the lies but the claque of fools determined not to address the facts and unable to accept that there is absolutely no evidence to back the claims that can be considered admissible in any rational court of law is now beyond doubt and every crumb put forward has been shown to be wrong, a lie or inadequate.

    As is a matter of record: I denounced the scam some years ago and exposed many of the lies and liars in the cult surrounding Anne Mackie/Greig and her fantasies surrounding her daughter and family.

    I also made very public my apologies to anyone I may have embarrassed in the early years of Anne Mackie’s promotion of the scam, which I freely accept I was wrong to do having been lied to by Anne, Robert Green and Stuart Usher

    I am happy to yet again apologise if I caused any embarrassment in my willingness to try and assist and support someone who ‘claimed’ to be a victim and have sought to make amends for my early gullibility by exposing the hoax and showing it to be unfounded and unsustainable.

    I am happy to endorse the actions of those involved in the web site >TheHollieGreigCoverUp.net< and the facts they provide which I believe, in the light of the evidence, to be fair, responsible and a presentation of facts.

    for more details see:




The original can be viewed at CLICK HERE

As the original author has failed to put their name to it I take the liberty of reproducing it here, and commenting where I believe it is apposite.

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Posted in Aberdeen, Anne GREIG, Brian Gerrish, Hollie Greig, Hollie Greig Hoax, Uncategorized | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Hollie Greig Hoax – A Summary as at 17-May-2014

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 17/05/2014

Hollie Greig Hoax – A Summary as at 17-May-2014

This site was first posted on on 22-Oct-2012 and material from the original
http://StolenKids-HollieGreig.blogspot.com were imported upto 03-Mar-2010.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the STORIES surrounding allegations of abuse of Hollie Greig are a dishonest and malicious hoax promoted by Anne Greig, Robert Green, Stuart Usher and others.

I freely admit I was conned into support of the claims, based upon lies and promises of evidence that never materialised. I apologise to anyone who may feel they have thus been defamed by my error.

For details of the background we would ask you to read the PAGE CLICK HERE



I take the liberty from time to time of adding material from third party sites of merit, as due to the dishonesty and their own gain and many of the low lifes and criminals associated with the promotion of the indisputable hoax surrounding the fantasy claims of sexual abuse of Hollie Greig and various false claims surrounding the scam.


Let us not forget that despite numerous Police investigations, medical reports and various other investigations to date not one shred of credible admissible evidence has EVER been presented to support the stories yet some are still trying to support the scam despite its undeniable exposure as a hoax by myself and many others several years ago!


Therefore I reproduce various valid articles which may be interferred with, hacked or removed by those dishonestly supporting the Hollie Greig scam – as was my own detailed, documented and cross referenced site that exposed the hoax originally, which the deviants, liars and low lifes were unable to refute, disprove or counter so they resorted to lies, defamation and hacking to try to suppress the reasoned and detailed facts proving the ‘stories’ surrounding Hollie Greig and the suicide of her uncle Roy Greig etc.

The Hoax

Although opinion is bound to be divided, and while some campaigners & individuals still add things up wrong, the evidence is irrefutable. The Mackie family were like any other middle class happy family. Like most, they’ve had their troubles but they were a loving family with many friends.
This is the story of how Anne Greig suffered a breakdown after the death of her mother and brother. The paranoid delusions Anne suffered had shocking consequences not only for her family and friends, but many of her in-laws including her husbands business associates.However, It didn’t stop there.

Over time, Anne accused many different individuals she felt had crossed her in some way, including the Sheriff who presided over her “incomplete” divorce, of sexually abusing her daughter, Hollie. This abuse allegedly spanned a 14yr period and started when Hollie was aged 6.

But in her confused and paranoid state of mind she chose a different Sheriff but one with a similar name to label with her vile accusations.

Detective Constable Durward interviewed Hollie on 19th May 2000 accompanied by Nicola Foot, appropriate adult. On the 24th May 2000, Hollie was interviewed again by DC Durward with Nicola foot present.

Hollie was eventually interviewed for a third time by DC Evans & Sarah Bennett as Appropriate Adult on 8th September 2009 in the Belvoire Suite, Shrewsbury.

Neither were convinced by Hollies’ testimony as we see later in the PCCS report.

All of this started after the death of Anne’s brother in 1997.

Robert Greig (known as Roy), committed suicide on 17th November 1997.

He was found in a burning car and died of smoke inhalation.
Smoke Inhalation

At that time Anne never questioned his death as anything other than suicide – confirmed to us by her best friend Wyn Dragon-Smith.

When Anne’s mother passed, she left the majority of her estate to her son Roy. When Roy passed, his estate amounted to very little.Anne suspected her solicitor Ian MacDonald of defrauding her from an inheritance she not only expected from her mother’s passing, but now from her brother.

Therefore, Mr McDonald’s name was added to the list of other alleged abusers.
Robert Green’s list of abusers

She complained to the Law society of Scotland and began to obsess on the internet, researching until the early hours of the morning which continued for almost 3 years.

Anne reported what she thought to be fraud to Grampian Police, but because Anne believed they had not acted appropriately regarding her complaints and allegations, she made a further complaint and requested an independent review.

Briefly jump forward now to July 2008, Jim Martin, the Police Complaints Commissioner for Scotland produced an independent report into all of Anne’s complaints – referred to here as The PCCS report.

Despite her efforts nothing came of her complaints to either the Law Society or Grampian Police – because there was no evidence of any criminality confirmed in the PCCS report:

Back to the beginning now and in the year 2000 things began to get worse. Her husband Denis and best friend Wyn accompanied Anne to her GP as she was showing signs of paranoia. After the visit, Anne exclaimed “he was yet another one of those against me.” She later changed to a different GP.Further testimony from Wyn, Denis and her son Greg, informs us she became more and more paranoid, insisting her business acquaintances, family and friends were all against her. She suspected her husband of having an affair, which was untrue – and when Greg and Denis tried in vain to talk some sense into her one evening, a family argument ensued and she bit her son Greg severely on the arm and ran out of the house at midnight in nothing but her nightdress.
Anne’s Mental Health

Then came very serious abuse allegations – allegations that would grow and grow, and which Anne would be unable to turn back on.In May 2000 she accused her husband of abusing their daughter Hollie, and over the following months the list of abusers grew and grew as Anne alleged Hollie revealed more and more names.

On 19th May 2000 Hollie was interviewed by Grampian Police and again on 24th May. Hollie mentioned a number of names, some of which simply did not exist. Hollies’ father Denis was interviewed, and her brother Greg a while later – but there was no corroborative evidence. Some of the other names could not be interviewed – how can the Police interview none existent people?

It was clear Hollie was loyal to her mother.

Forensic medical evidence taken from Hollie showed no signs of abuse – only that Hollie was not a virgin.
No Evidence of Abuse

Hollie was a 20yr old woman with boyfriend.

Anne ostracised all her family and friends and Hollies’ family broke up with her father moving to live in the family home in Portugal as Anne sold their house in Aberdeen. Hollies brother, Greg, stayed in Aberdeen for a while renting a flat from his Aunt Sylvia – (Denis’s cousin) – but around a year later when he was finding it hard to find work, he too went to live with his father in Portugal. He now has his own home and young family but it’s safe to say he still suffers from this traumatic experience.There is no doubt Anne suffered some kind of mental breakdown and as we have seen there is plenty of medical evidence that proves that – including Anne’s own independent Psychiatrists report. Anne was sectioned into a mental health institution for a short while and Hollie was put into the care system, but eventually Anne and Hollie were reunited.

Over the following years Anne moved from Aberdeen to Shrewsbury in Shropshire.

Her campaign continued there, as did her complaints to Grampian Police which is why the (PCCS) report was made.


“As a footnote to his enquiries Superintendent J noted that he was aware that the complainer had provided an association chart to the force detailing her perceived connections between the individuals X named as her abusers. He stated that in this chart reference was made to Detective Sergeant F having contact with Person U in the context of a local pantomime and living in the same area as her. Superintendent J noted that a short statement was taken from Person U who advised that she had never met Detective Sergeant F prior to, or subsequent to, him noting a statement from her in the course of his enquiries. She also stated that whilst she had never performed in pantomime with him, she was in pantomime with an ex-police officer. Superintendent J stated that this officer has not featured in any of the complainer’s concerns. He also noted that Detective Sergeant F did not live in the same area as Person U.”

In 2009, Anne was introduced to Robert Green by her friend, Stuart Usher.

Robert Green is an ex travel agent who was a partner in Mosley Travel in Warrington. Robert was to become Anne’s spokesperson and he labelled himself as her Lay legal advisor, investigator and journalist.
The real Robert Green

Robert produced many YouTube video’s where he explained the campaign including his allegations about Roy’s death.Just like Hollies’ false abuse, Roy’s suicide turned into a full blown conspiracy also – he cleverly put together a string of events around his death that on the surface suggested some wrong doing.

One of these events was to suggest that Sylvester Cadger, the man who tried to save Roy by pulling him from the burning car and giving him CPR until the ambulance arrived, was in fact the murderer.

However, the PCCS PCCS REPORTreport also show’s that Anne was somewhat unconcerned regarding the surroundings of the death of her brother – which confirms the testimony of Wyn Dragon-Smith.

An internet campaign was born that became known as “Hollie Demands Justice.” hollie Demands Justice
A lady called Belinda Mckenzie also joined the campaign. Belinda is a self-proclaimed truth campaigner, 911 conspiracy theorist, and alien believer.
The Real Belinda McKenzie
The campaigns Facebook group had over 27,000 members and the story went viral on the internet and continued to grow.
Anne, Hollie and Robert travelled the country attending different speaking engagements and the names of abusers grew evermore into a full blown paedophile ring “going to the very top of the Scottish Judiciary.”The link to the Scottish Judiciary came about because Anne mistook Graeme Buchanan for another solicitor with a similar name who was involved in her attempted divorce from Denis. To date. Anne & Denis are still married.

Robert and Anne claimed the abuse of Hollie occurred in the house of the Sheriff’s sister – only the Sheriff has no sister!

They later claimed the abuse took place in the home of the Sheriff’s sister-in-law – but again the Sheriff has no sister-in-law.Eventually Anne was summoned to the Royal Courts of Justice in London by Shropshire Council and told to stop parading her daughter around the country and a court order was put in force.

A whole network of “Alternative Media” & so called “Truth Campaigners” jumped on the band wagon – and the number of donate buttons on websites rocketed!

Wyn Dragon-Smith and her husband David, Sylvia Major and her husband Terry, and Hollie’s carer were all accused of being paedophiles among many more of Anne’s friends, relatives and business acquaintances as we have seen in the list. Robert also included the children of Hollies carer as victims and persistently claimed these things were never investigated.This document, including the PCCS report shows that to be untrue.
No Investigation?

Wyn and Sylvia’s children were named as child victims that were abused along with Hollie – Robert stated that Hollie and the other children were taken in a minibus to the home of the Sheriff’s sister to be abused. in reality these children never even met Hollie until she was in her late teens and all of them have made public statements saying they were never abused.
Public Statements

Robert sent letters to the neighbours of 22 innocently accused individuals including Wyn and Sylvia telling them they were living next door to paedophiles causing them fear, alarm and distress – a crime he later served a prison sentence for.
Prison Sentence

Anne and Robert claimed the BBC allegedly commissioned a programme with the prominent investigative journalist, Mark Daly.

Mark stated a programme was never commissioned, and when he investigated their claims, Anne and Robert were informed no programme would be made.Robert and Anne accused Mark of a cover up – Mark’s reply:

“I have been involved in some of the biggest investigations into corruption, racism, murder and child sex abusers broadcast in the UK over the past ten years of my career, and the suggestion that I would be complicit in a cover up of important journalism is insulting and deeply misguided.

After careful consideration some time later (before we had filmed anything), we, the programme team, decided we couldn’t proceed with the story. It became clear that the wider allegations that were being made would be impossible to verify, and indeed we had concerns about the veracity of many of them. On that basis, we made a professional decision not to proceed. As journalists, we are not in a position to pick and choose which allegations we want to run or believe, and the vast majority of these allegations were, in our opinion, un-provable. There are few more serious allegations one can make about a person than to call them a paedophile, and for that reason, the evidence has to be of the utmost quality. And in this case, I’m afraid it fell far short of this hurdle”

Mark Daly.

An organisation called “The UK Column” became involved and individuals named Brian Gerrish and Lou Collins joined the campaign along with the well-known conspiracy theorist David Icke.
The UK Column Lou Collins David Icke

They began promoting the cause all over the internet and spoke of it at different speaking engagements.

It is reported that Hollie suffered from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder which is no surprise when you consider Hollie lost the family she had known for 20 years and the many friends she had in Aberdeen. Her life was torn apart by the illness suffered by her mother.In the end it sparked a national newspaper article written by David Leask of the Scottish Herald.

Sadly, this campaign still continues today for a few misguided supporters that simply cannot believe the truth.These are the facts for which there is plenty of evidence – Now, here is the story reported by Robert Green on their website Hollie Demands Justice with our own “truthful” additions.

“In the summer of 2000, Hollie told her mother, Anne, that she had been repeatedly sexually abused by her father, Denis Charles Mackie and brother Greg. The abuse had begun when Hollie was just six years` old. Hollie said that Greg had also been abused by his father. Anne Greig reported this immediately to the local police station in Aberdeen. During the course of that summer, Hollie, who has Down`s Syndrome, began to provide more names of abusers. It transpired that Denis Mackie had been sharing his daughter with a ring of sexual abusers, which included a serving police officer with the Grampian force, Terry Major and an Aberdeen sheriff, Graeme Buchanan.”

Anne has admitted in many reports including on Sky TV that she did not “immediately” report anything to the Police, but told Hollie to tell her social worker.
Sky TV Interview

Terry Major was the chief fingerprint expert – a civilian employee. Graeme Buchanan was mixed up with another solicitor with a similar name as we have said above. All these discrepancies from the confused and paranoid mind of a mentally ill woman.

“Medical and other evidence supported Hollie`s account and Grampian Police accepted the truth of Hollie`s statement. Nonetheless, no action was taken by Grampian Police against the perpetrators and despite Anne Greig`s persistence, the Procurator Fiscal, now Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini prevented any police action taking place.”

The Forensic medical evidence showed Hollie was not a virgin – she was a 20yr old woman with a boyfriend and there was nothing to suggest any sort of abuse that has allegedly been going on unnoticed by Anne for 14 years!

Regardless of Hollie’s boyfriends, the PCCS report also casts doubt on the “abuse” allegation, and shows what lengths Anne will go to:

More importantly, the PCCS report points out that the forensic medical evidence stated:
So there was no medical evidence of recent sexual activity. Therefore is it possible Hollie was “shared with a satanic paedophile ring” as stated by Robert Green and show no evidence of abuse?
Hollies testimony was questioned by DC Davidson who said in one correspondence that she thought Anne was putting words into Hollies mouth
Anne putting words into Hollies’ mouthAgain – PCCS report also doubted the veracity Hollies testimony:

The Police transcript of Hollie’s claims, clearly showed Hollie simply repeating the same things over and over again. There was a distinct lack of any detail regarding her surroundings like the colour of the bed clothes or wallpaper in the room.The “other evidence” Robert refers to is a report by Dr Jack Boyle. His report can be read here:
The Boyle Report

It clearly shows he does not confirm the veracity of Hollie’s claims. Moreover, the majority of the report is based on what Anne has explained to him.

Dame Elish Angiolini is completely innocent of Robert’s allegations as this document proves:
Crown Office

“In fact, the authorities instead attempted to discredit and intimidate Anne by having her forcibly taken to a mental institution, with the intention of handing Hollie back to her abuser father. Fortunately, Anne Greig had the presence of mind to have herself checked by a leading psychiatrist, who proclaimed her perfectly sane, a view with which even the institution were forced to concur.”

There were several medical experts that concluded Anne was suffering from paranoid delusions which included both her GP’s and psychiatric doctors at The Royal Cornhill Mental Institution. There were also many other professionals that were concerned about Anne’s mental health and many documents show this as we have seen. Hollie was never handed back to her father as Denis was working away on oil rigs at the time. Anne did obtain an independent psychiatrist report and although Robert and Anne say this report claims Anne was perfectly sane it states clearly that she could have suffered irrational and psychotic behaviour – again as we have seen.

“In the years that have followed, Anne Greig has persisted in her attempts to bring the abusers to justice, not only for the sake of her own children, but also to prevent these dreadful practices continuing against others, which includes adults with learning difficulties as well as children. It was only in 2009, when the News Of The World courageously broke the story, concentrating on the hitherto unheard of fact that Hollie had received payments from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority for crimes that have not even been investigated.”

The criminal injuries compensation scheme which is set by Parliament, compensates people based on the injuries they sustain not the crime of which they were a victim. When they make a payment they state that the payment is not a sign of guilt on behalf of the accused and should not be taken this way. Also, as D.I. Alley of Grampian Police said in one correspondence :
D.I. Alley

“The Police will always take what a witness says at face value unless there is some evidence which casts doubt on this. However, even in cases where doubt exists, it is not the business of the police to do other than ensure that all the evidence in relation to that doubt is placed before the Court. It is in Court that credibility is ultimately judged.”

It can be a little difficult to understand how CICA work – but once you understand their operating procedures and the Police’s operating procedures, it’s easy to see why Hollie was made a payment.

“The measures to cover up this terrible terrible story continue unbounded by the authorities.”

This case has been investigated twice and a independent investigation was also carried out (PCCS) because of Anne’s complaints. At first both Denis and Greig were interviewed under caution, & the second time it was investigated was shortly before Robert Green’s trial for breach of the peace after he casused fear, alarm and endangered both Wyn, Sylvia and their neighbours in 2010. Wyn, Sylvia and their children were all interviewed. Consequently, a great deal of public money has been spent on this false and defamatory case.

“Several years ago, Denis and Greg Mackie went to live in Portugal. On 8th May 2007, immediately following Madeleine McCann`s disappearance, Anne Greig, accompanied by a victim`s support witness, went to her now local police station in Shrewsbury to tell them to alert the Portuguese Police, as despite the proven case of paedophile abuse, neither of the Mackies had a record of any kind. The McCann team has accepted that the Mackies ought to have been questioned immediately. It is now understood that the British Police failed to pass on these details to their Portuguese counterparts. Hence, the official cover up has even extended to detracting from the Madeleine McCann investigation.”

Apart from the family home in Portugal being over 100 miles away from where Madeleine McCann disappeared, there is no evidence to substantiate this or any of Roberts other claims.

“Investigators have already informed us that discoveries of other paedophile rings in Scotland has been discovered, but it is clear that certain senior figures of authority are prepared to obstruct the course of justice and allow the known sexual abuse of some of society`s most vulnerable people to continue unabated, just to save their own skins.”

Robert has never produced any evidence to substantiate any of these allegations.

“The Hollie Greig story is now widely known by the media, police, legal, medical and political professions.

The facts are beyond dispute.

The only question that remains will be as to who has sufficient decency and courage to bring this and other issues to a just conclusion.

Robert Green

The Facts are that Robert Green is a fantasist – he has made claims that a group of individuals, some of whom don’t exist are members of a paedophile ring abusing children who have made public statements saying they were never abused, in a house that could not exist because the person that allegedly owned it does not exist.

Yet even after serving a jail sentence, Robert Green continues to blog and unjustly accuses innocent people to this very day! He is doing nothing more than persecuting innocent people, exploiting a disabled woman and perpetuating the illness of Anne Greig.

The supporting network of organisations like The UK Column and David Icke are simply in it because it makes “good copy” and pulls in an audience. An audience that seems not to realise they are being exploited emotionally, financially or both!

But that is nothing compared to the damage suffered by the innocent individuals being falsely named as paedophiles – and of course the exploitation of a disabled woman and the perpetuation of Anne’s illness….


conclusion 1 conclusion 2 conclusion 3 conclusion 4 conclusion 5 conclusion 6 conclusion 7 




To view the above site in its original format as at 17-May-2014

Unfortunately the format has not remained intact in copying.


As the original author has failed to put their name to it I take the liberty of reproducing it here, and commenting where I believe it is apposite.

Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Posted in Aberdeen, Anne GREIG, Brian Gerrish, David ICKE, Elish Angiolini, Greg Lance - Watkins, Greg_L-W, Hollie Greig, Hollie Greig Hoax, Robert GREEN, Roy Greig Suicide | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »


Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 22/02/2014

This site was first posted on on 22-Oct-2012 and material from the original
http://StolenKids-HollieGreig.blogspot.com were imported upto 03-Mar-2010.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the STORIES surrounding allegations of abuse of Hollie Greig are a dishonest and malicious hoax promoted by Anne Greig, Robert Green, Stuart Usher and others.

I freely admit I was conned into support of the claims, based upon lies and promises of evidence that never materialised. I apologise to anyone who may feel they have thus been defamed by my error.

For details of the background we would ask you to read the PAGE CLICK HERE


A GUEST POST From: The Hollie Greig cover-up web site:







Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 22/2/2014 14:43:40


As Robert Green begins his 3 months on remand, the likes of Brian Gerrish, Louise Collins, David Icke, Sonia Poulton and other supporting “Alternative Media” hacks are enjoying their liberty.

All of them have used The Hollie Greig case for their own ends and to promote their wares.  It really is a disgrace that these so called “supporters” take no responsibility whatsoever for Robert’s plight and he is yet to serve another sentence at the end of this current one.

We would like to know what Robert’s family think and I would ask that they contact us using our contact form or at: group@theholliegreigcoverup.net

For new readers here is a quick summary of some of the evidence:

1. The Forensic medical evidence showed NO signs of abuse.

2. Robert claimed “Hollie was minibused with other children to the home of the Sheriff’s sister’s where the majority of the abuse took place.” The Sheriff has no sister. In any event, Anne named the wrong sheriff as she mixed him up with the sheriff who was overseeing her divorce – a divorce that has never been finalised because we believe Anne still wants money from the house in Portugal after selling their house in Aberdeen and all its belongings including her husbands computer that is often cited as something the Police should have looked at!

3. The “other children” have made public statements saying they were never abused.

4. In Hollies’ Police interview, she named people that simply don’t exist.

5. The independent Police investigation (PCCS) clearly show the lack of trust in Hollies testimony not only by Police but by trained Appropriate Adult specialists. They also suspeced Anne had coached Hollie.

This is only a snapshot of evidence for a campaign spanning several years. A campaign where many stories have changed between Anne Greig and Robert Green. In one YouTube video, Robert Green stated Hollie had witnessed a ritual murder!!

Almost all of the supporters of this campaign are either Alternative Media hacks that are exploiting Anne, Hollie and Robert for their own purposes, or individuals who have been in trouble with either the Police or other authorities and are on their own revenge mission.

As far as the Alternative Media are concerned, we would like to share with you a recent email we received that outlines their exploitation perfectly.

Linda Steel
Pick a date:21/02/2014
Message: I was watching UK Column Live yesterday and they did this large portion on Robert Greens’ arrest and ‘rendition’ to Scotland. How the authorities had tried to section him and how awful it was that this poor man had undergone such trauma at the hands of the police.

I have had emails from Brian Gerrish about this case. I watch the programme often, and a lot of what they cover is really informative, but I told him that they could well lose their reputation if they carried on supporting this case.
There may well be paedophiles within the Scottish establishment and for victims of abuse, carrying on supporting The Hollie Greig case would do them no good. As an ex nurse I wanted to write for them on the high jacking and selling off of the NHS, but because I didn’t believe this mother and that this was just a disturbed woman, I was told that if I didn’t believe this story, I couldn’t possibly write for them.

In other words, I couldn’t be part of their truth movement if I didn’t believe in their truth.
The emails went back and forth, he tried to convince me I was wrong, but no matter what I said, he just refused to believe that this was all tosh. I have sent you the PDF file because it is an article on Downs Syndrome memory, and you mentioned it within the clip you played.

As for their statements that Downs Syndrome sufferers are incapable of telling lies, that is all tosh too. Of course they can fib just like the rest of us. The biggest thing for me is the fact that there are no other victims. Only the ones they named, and even they have come forward to refute that they were ever abused.

Many people have seen the truth in the last few years. I heard about it and thought it was awful, until I saw them with Theo Chalmers in that very interview. The way Anne looked at Theo when she thought he may be questioning their honesty spoke volumes.
If looks could kill.

That’s when I knew these were false allegations. Being a nurse for so long, I suppose my bullshit monitor is more sensitive than most. I really hope that at some point, she will either be uncovered as a fraud, or eventually breaks down and confesses what she has done. I hope Hollie gets her family back before it is too late.

Just in case the PDF document won’t open, I am giving you the website address. http://www.down-syndrome.org/reviews/2068/reviews-2068.pdf

This pdf evidence makes clear the weakness in memory in Down Syndrome which once again proves the lies of Anne and Robert
. Here is a snapshot but you can read it in full here.

Thank you Linda.

This email shows clearly how Brian Gerrish and the UK Column operate and we have more like this one but we never publish anything without authorisation to do so and many people are simply afraid.

When we first contacted Brian in the hope we could have a dialogue with him, he simply refused. He lied about our team and eventually he accused Jon of abusing Hollie also.

What makes things difficult is that the UK Colum can publish genuine information at times – but their refusal to acknowledge real, irrefutable evidence and to claim that an entire country of Scotland is one giant conspiracy is nothing more than completely irrational and therefore they simply cannot be trusted.

In their broadcast on Thursday 20th February 2014 Brian alleged the authorities tried to section Robert in what he called a “Snakes Nest” – we predicted this in our blog dated Wednesday 19th February 2014.

Brian also claimed there was a contradiction between the Police doctor and the psychiatric doctors at Cornhill mental institution.

As we stated in our blog, unless Robert is a danger either to himself or others, or agrees treatment there is nothing either the Police or authorities can do.

The doctors at Cornhill would have pronounced him “untreatable.”

Sadly, the same can be said for Sonia Poulton also.

Sonia allowed Robert Green air time to promote his campaign but promised us a right of reply.

We contacted Sonia on many occasions before the interview took place but she never replied. We contacted her after the interview but she never replied. We took her acquiescence as an attack on innocent people therefore we told her what we thought through social media.

Then Sonia claimed we bullied and harassed her and complained that we had reported her and her broadcast to OFCOM – which we did. However she maintained she was still willing to speak to us but it would have to wait until she found a new platform and despite her saying she had many things in the pipeline nothing has appeard to date.

We recently requested a Skype conversation but once again she ignored us and came out in support of Robert after his arrest.

Once again we told her what we thought and once again she accused us of bullying and harassing her.

Here are the message between Sonia and Jon.

• Conversation started 28 December 2013
28/12/2013 19:46
Jon Stevenson
So – you deleted my comment and blocked me – ok.
You know, we have a lot in common Sonia, if you’d have had a conversation with me when I called you, you would realise that.
For instance, I agree with your world view, (mostly lol) – I agree with your political view and much of your opinion on your show.
I pride myself in always apologising when I’m wrong – do you?

Come ‘on Sonia, you’re a tough cookie – a few difficult questions on Twitter hardly constitute those allegations you levelled at me eh?
There’s a lot wrong with this country, politically and economically.

But you simply cannot get passed the facts and the evidence of the Hollie Greig case.

How do you explain the lack of forensic medical evidence for instance?

I wonder how long you have known David Icke?

We did try to contact him years ago but he refused to have a dialogue with us – have you asked him why?
The Hollie Greig case is not an establishment cover up Sonia, and if you have taken an objective look at the evidence you will know this.

I think you are a decent person Sonia, so what are you going to do about this?

You can talk to us/me in confidence if you wish – and I hope you will.

Better still, you can have an in confidence conversation with me and one of the wrongly accused, Wyn, and hear it direct for yourself.
Of course I’m never going to stop working with these innocent victims until they’re vindicated so I hope to speak to you soon.
Kind regards.

• 29 December 2013
29/12/2013 20:44
Sonia Poulton
Listen Jon, I have never accused anyone of anything all I have said is why haven’t people been interviewed about the allegations. I think it was highly disrespectful of you to come on my personal fb page and accuse me of the things you did. I AM a fair person and I AM prepared to listen to people but I am not prepared to take bs from anyone and some of your original approaches to me were not acceptable. I am prepared to talk further in the new year because that is the type of person I am, if someone has something to say then generally I will listen to them.

• 30 December 2013
• 30/12/2013 01:09
Jon Stevenson
HI Sonia and thanks for the reply – i do appreciate it.

I also appreciate your sentiments and I do understand your frustration and anger.

We have been trying to vindicate those wrongly accused for years now Sonia, and regardless of the evidence none of those making or supporting the allegations of Robert Green, have ever agreed to discuss this with us. They completely ignored our repeated requests for a dialogue to discuss the evidence.

That is not because of our, or my approach I stress to add.

If you look objectively at the messages we originally sent yourself (I say we because everything that happens has the consensus of our group) including the emails we sent to your website, I’m sure you will see they were cordial and informative – If you can now access them.

We also emailed Anne Greig personally asking her to talk with us – Wyn was Anne’s best friend for over 6 years Sonia and she cared about the whole family including Hollie deeply.

After the way we have been treated by the likes of David Icke, Brian Gerrish et al, (Brian even accused me of abusing Hollie in an email exchange I had with him when I explained I had met her) we/I don’t have much time for these individuals now – consequently I thought you were simply closing ranks with them – hence my latest approach and I apologise if it caused you distress.

That’s not an excuse Sonia, I simply want you to understand what not only the falsely accused have gone through, but those now supporting them. We have been called a variety of things including paedophiles, paedophile protectors, shills, Government agents and much more.

But something told me that you were different and that I had it wrong – which is why I messaged you via my personal Facebook profile – and I’m happy to say it seems I was right – thanks again for replying.

I know you haven’t accused anyone Sonia, but by giving Robert a platform, and such a big platform (David has a large following), you have supported his allegations and caused further alarm to those wrongly accused.

After all, you didn’t really put any difficult questions to him.

Seriously Sonia, please consider how they must feel – or think of that question I put to you. How would you feel if someone managed to convince thousands of people that you were a paedophile, and then published your name and address on the internet?
There were 27,000 members of their Facebook group at one stage.

I can tell you Sonia that they are concerned that this story will once again grow and Wyn has already had her car vandalised because of the publication of her name and address by Robert Green.

You have also asked why people haven’t been interviewed – but many have Sonia, regardless what Robert Green says.
Let me remind you of one of Robert asscertations.

“The majority of abuse happened in the home of the Sheriff’s sister”
The sheriff doesn’t have a sister Sonia – How can the police interview someone that doesn’t exist?

Robert never performed a simple births, deaths and marriages search – he simply believed what Anne was saying. Anne mistook the sheriff for the one that presided over her divorce – a divorce that she has never completed!

Robert later claimed he meant the sister-in-law. But the sheriff never had a sister-in-law either.

This is just one example of many, I will leave the rest for our conversation.

If you wish I can assure you that conversation remains private – given your position at TPV perhaps it would be better if you kept it private your end also for now – but you will perhaps be in a better position to make that judgement yourself. I only say this because at one point Ayem did reply to us, only to vanish soon after. I have no idea if she is still working with David or not. I do know that all posts regarding HG on David’s forums were removed and many people were banned.

Anyhow, believe it or not we do enjoy your show Sonia and I think we can say there is desperation within people in this country to bring to an end all the corruption that we see on an almost daily basis – and defend our children also!
Look forward to speaking with you in the New Year – have great one and all the best to you and your family.
Kind regards

• 6 January
06/01/2014 15:33
Jon Stevenson
Hey, are you ok?
Just read the announcement by TPV.

06/01/2014 15:55
Jon Stevenson
For what it’s worth Sonia, i don’t feel that is you they are describing.

• 7 January
07/01/2014 18:58
Jon Stevenson
Hi – an interesting statement but i am completely unsurprised.

I personally totally agree with you on transparency. Every single penny should be accounted for and it wouldn’t be at all difficult to show this. I have always maintained this in anything using public money.

Have to say that Hollie Demands Justice have also always refused to show where their donations have gone also.
I’m sorry for you Sonia, because as I’ve said, this country needs a “Peoples Voice” but because of my experience with David, i never had any doubt this wouldn’t work.

When i saw you were a presenter i thought David had made a really bad choice – bad for him.
Although i believe you made a mistake interviewing Robert Green, it’s obvious you have more integrity than possibly anyone i know – apart from me.

I too can be a fiery character, and i will always do my best to protect vulnerable people.

Two things.
“I would be more than happy to debate TPV with David Icke, Sean Adl-Tabatabai and Liz Roberts on camera and in a neutral environment. I have nothing to hide.”

In my experience this will never happen. Once you show David to be wrong, he will never talk to you. We have tried countless times to have a dialogue with him – he has always refused.

I hope Liz and Adl have the courage to back you up – get rid of David and TPV could be great!

“Despite repeatedly saying that ‘presenters have free-will’ David Icke did not hesitate to make known some of his dissatisfactions with me inviting on guests whom he had fallen out with in the past.”

I’m bound to ask, is this us?
I would still like to talk to you – when you’re ready of course.
If there’s anything we can do to help you Sonia, just ask.
Kind regards

• 10 January
10/01/2014 18:51
Jon Stevenson
Hi Sonia – I have had a conversation with Gareth Icke – can you confirm you booked Robert Green without any outside influences?
I appreciate your bound to be busy but if you could just pop me a quick reply i would really appreciate it – I’ll leave you alone for a while then to sort all this mess out.

• 12 January
12/01/2014 10:29
Sonia Poulton
that is correct Jon, although David supported the decision as he knew Robert before I did. take care, Sonia

12/01/2014 12:14
Jon Stevenson
Thanks Sonia.

• 24 January
24/01/2014 20:14
Jon Stevenson
Hi Sonia – I’m sure you have seen this but just in case. http://motherdamnable.blogspot.co.uk/2014/01/the-fatal-flaws-at-peoples-voice_20.html?m=1
Wyn and I would still like to speak to you if you still agree?

Mother Damnable returns: The Fatal Flaws at “The People’s Voice”
“I am a rose of Sharon, a wild strawberry of the valleys. As a lily amongst brambles so is my best beloved among the daughters” The song of Solomon 2:1-2

• 25 January
25/01/2014 14:37
Sonia Poulton
I’ve seen it Jon, there is more to come out trust me. I am still up for interviewing you but I need a new platform first.

25/01/2014 16:57
Jon Stevenson
Look forward it all coming out lol.

You wouldn’t want to do a recorded Skype conversation then?

We need a People’s Voice Sonia, but we need one with integrity.

Originally I supported the Hollie campaign but after about 4 days of listening to all of Roberts videos, and of him saying “we have the evidence” but not showing any, I started to ask for it.

When I got it, it was quite ridiculous, and after further investigation, I knew I had been duped.

Then began my journey into the world of alternative media – and I have to say that many that are involved it, are far worse than our mainstream media!

If you get a new platform Sonia, and you’re doing it for the right reasons (which I feel you would be) dealing with the likes of Belinda McKenzie, Brian Gerrish & Bill Maloney et al, will do you no favours I assure you.

You will have to choose sides between them and the likes of Scriptonite, who it seems, is a genuine individual along with others like Chris Martenson – TPV couldn’t even spell his name correctly when he was interviewed.

There is more than enough corruption out there without resorting to these individuals including the likes of David Icke.
Quite honestly, I have no idea why you teamed up with him in the first place – but I guess it’s easy to be clever with hindsight. But without doubt, the man has no integrity – I know I keep using that word, but it is important.

Gareth said to me he was going to speak to his dad about the Hollie campaign – I won’t hold my breath lol.

I really hope you get a platform Sonia, but I also hope it won’t be filled with cooks and dimwits that see conspiracy around every corner without doing any real research.

• 13 February
13/02/2014 23:14
Jon Stevenson
Not sure if you have heard but Robert Green has been arrested today – just wondered if you have a comment as it seems you’re not up for a Skype conversation?

14/02/2014 01:27
Jon Stevenson
Sonia – i see on the grapevine that you are aware of Robert’s arrest and apparently your “appalled” by the situation.
I really don’t get it??

Are you really suggesting you sympathise with this convicted criminal and his continued abuse of innocent people?

You did promise us a right of reply (remember?) and with or without a platform you could have agreed to a Skype conversation – so what are we to make of your position now?

Perhaps you have still not looked at all the evidence of this case but regardless will you please be honest (as you always claim to be) and tell us where we stand?

In the wake of your TPV exit you certainly seemed to be a person of integrity so I’m confused by your latest apparent stance.
You may be unaware but you are now being promoted on the net as a supporter of Robert Green – would that be correct?

• 14 February
14/02/2014 18:59
Jon Stevenson
Sonia – I just want to say that you, along with The UK Column and all other supporters of Robert Green are completely responsible for what is happening to him right now!

Because no reasonable, rational person, after looking at the evidence could support him or his campaign.

A child abused for 14 years and no forensic medical evidence showing any abuse – Hollie naming people that don’t even exist and children accused of being victims making public statements saying they were never abused to name but a few.

All of you are responsible for perpetuating this man’s delusions which means YOU are now responsible for what is happening to him – let alone the innocent people who’s lives he and Anne have made a misery of for the last 4 years!!

I hope you are ready to accept that responsibility because i am going to make sure everyone knows the truth of this situation.
I thought you had integrity but it seems you are supporting Robert’s claims, calling Aberdeen Police and ignoring and refusing to speak to us – just like the rest that deny the truth.

I guess you really are no different to the rest of the alternative media that sensationalise and exploit the vulnerable for the sake of headline.

Shame – because i liked you!

• Sunday
16/02/2014 22:02
Sonia Poulton
I am happy to be considered a supporter of Robert Green. He approached me only to ask questions on behalf of a vulnerable young woman. I have never made accusations in the case merely found it odd that Hollie’s claims are completely ignored by the Establishment. Your organisation treated me with disrespect from the get-go. Smearing me on the internet and attempting to use bullying tactics. I don’t respond well to that as you have discovered. I offered you a right of reply until ‘someone’ thought it smart to report TPV and me to OFCOM. Then TPV did not want to continue on the issue until the OFCOM was resolved. I suspect you or others around you were responsible for the OFCOM report. Either way the upshot is you didn’t get to do your interview. I will continue to support Robert because I am suspicious of those who would have him arrested.

17/02/2014 00:52
Jon Stevenson
Sorry Sonia, your excuses won’t cut it anymore.
We didn’t go smearing you on the net, we/I asked certain questions of you on Twitter and on our own website – Strong questions and statements i agree, BUT that was after we sent you more than enough information for you to make an informed choice and to respond accordingly – you didn’t, you simply ignored our messages and claimed you were locked out of your website only to later make a statement on it.

And i don’t believe for one minute a professional journalist would be locked out of their own website.
Therefore we presumed you were attacking us just like other supporters of Robert Green – so your argument/excuse is completely facile.

You only responded after we took a more direct approach.

And yet you continually ignore the evidence – like that i mentioned in my previous message and crow on about OFCOM and bullying tactics – what would you call the continued FALSE allegations that Robert Green has been making i wonder??

He has been harassing and bullying innocent people for YEARS Sonia!

You also could have agreed to a Skype conversation (as requested) with me and Wyn, one of those directly involved. Robert Green always said he would talk to anyone, but, like you, when it comes to it you refuse or simply ignore the request.
Is that what you call proper journalism?

You gave a convicted criminal air time to promote his campaign – a campaign that has caused years of misery and suffering not only to those he falsely accused of being of being paedophiles, but the children he also accused of being victims.

Why shouldn’t that be reported to any authority?? And I have told you already – I reported your broadcast.

You consider yourself a “supporter” of Robert Green – yet you are anything but!

If you really cared, if you really were the peoples champion as you promote yourself to be, if you were truly altruistic – you would have looked clinically at the evidence – the evidence that Robert has and that is on our website.

If you had done that you would see for instance that his “expert witness statements” are complete rubbish.

YOU would see that the medical evidence shows no abuse, and the Police transcripts show names of people that don’t exist and no detail whatsoever about the surroundings where the alleged abuse was supposed to have taken place.

You would understand how CICA made the payment, especially when you read the Police correspondence – but you haven’t, have you Sonia?!

You simply listened to Robert and “believed” him.

A mistake i made also.

It’s easy to do as you’re doing Sonia, you have nothing to lose.

However if you examined the evidence and had a dialogue with us you would soon come to know the truth – then of course you would lose some of the support you currently have – i guess your ego would never allow that.

But regardless of the help we/I have offered you, you still “support” Robert Green.

But you’re not supporting him, you are perpetuating his delusion and so doing him irrevocable psychological damage – just like your friends The UK Column, Lou Collins, Brian Gerrish and all the others.

I guess you do it because there is no doubt we are surrounded by so much corruption – but there is a world of difference between real investigative journalism and what the alternative media thinks it is.

I know exactly why Robert has been arrested…. again – you don’t because you have not looked at the evidence. But there is no doubt you are directly responsible for Robert’s wellbeing and the perpetuation of his campaign – and so the continued misery and suffering of those he wrongly accuses.

You have no excuse anymore Sonia – we/I have tried to tell you, tried to explain and tried to talk to you – but you seem to have made your choice.

Whether you like it or not, you’re part of it now Sonia – don’t say I didn’t try to help you.

But as always Wyn and I will be willing to talk to you if you desire to know the truth – but forgive us if we don’t hold our breath.

17/02/2014 01:04
Sonia Poulton
I am not even reading this fully and the reason why is you have sought to attack, harrass and bully again, Jon. It’s what you do. Blogs have been written about you. I don’t tolerate that attitude from anyone. I told you about yourself and you don’t like it. Enjoy your life Jon, take care, be less obnoxious and you may progress. I have taken the time to answer your repeated questions even though you have attempted to bully me from the start. You are someone to be watched. Now go into the big wide yonder and know that your words, designed to be abusive, cannot affect me because bullies are ten a penny.

17/02/2014 01:08
Sonia Poulton
Oh I’ve just noted that you have admitted to being the one behind reporting the broadcast. Oh lol. You make me laugh. Not a spine to your name, has to run to ‘the authorities’. Be gone Jon, go muddy the waters elsewhere, this is an adult world I am working in not a playground.

After that exchange Sonia Blocked us for a second time

Readers will come to their own conclusions – but it is a shame because we liked Sonia.




However, w
e remain as always, willing to talk to any of them while they pay the consequences of thier actions.


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Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 21/2/2014 16:39:25
Tags: RobertGreenHollieDemandsJustice


Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 19/2/2014 16:36:53
Tags: RobertGreenHollieGreigHollieDemandsJustice


Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 13/2/2014 20:36:46
Tags: RobertGreen

The Expert Witness Evidence – or Trojan Horse.

Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 26/1/2014 00:58:35
Tags: RobertGreenHollieDemandsJustice


Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 29/12/2013 19:50:27
Tags: RobertGreenHollieDemndsJustice

Independent report by County Council trained Appropriate Adult.

Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Hollie Demands Justice · 24/12/2013 07:29:29
Tags: RobertGreenAnneGreigHollieDemandsJustice


Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Robert Green · 20/12/2013 21:02:41
Tags: RobertGreen

What about the 22 Sonia? Supporters and Sponsers of TPV BEWARE!

Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Hollie Demands Justice · 18/12/2013 11:35:08
Tags: SoniaPoultonThePeoplesVoiceRobertGreenAnneGreigHollieDemandsJustice

Sonia Poulton – Refuses us an interview – accuses us of being hostile and aggressive – then slams the phone down.

Published by The Hollie Greig Hoax Team in Hollie Demands Justice · 17/12/2013 15:51:13 · Download Sonia-last-one.mp4
Tags: SoniaPoultonThePeoplesVoiceDavidIcke

To read the original of the above article CLICK HERE


Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

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Posted in Anne GREIG, Brian Gerrish, David ICKE, Hollie Greig, Hollie Greig Hoax, Robert GREEN | Tagged: , , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »

>Tony Bennett Looks At Robert Green’s Re-Arrest

Posted by Greg Lance - Watkins (Greg_L-W) on 19/02/2014

This site was first posted on on 22-Oct-2012 and material from the original
http://StolenKids-HollieGreig.blogspot.com were imported upto 03-Mar-2010.

It has been established beyond all reasonable doubt that the STORIES surrounding allegations of abuse of Hollie Greig are a dishonest and malicious hoax promoted by Anne Greig, Robert Green, Stuart Usher and others.

I freely admit I was conned into support of the claims, based upon lies and promises of evidence that never materialised. I apologise to anyone who may feel they have thus been defamed by my error.

For details of the background we would ask you to read the PAGE CLICK HERE


>Tony Bennett Looks At Robert Green’s Re-Arrest, implausibility & mental Health.

A GUEST POST by: Tony Bennett
from a public forum

Robert Green of the ‘Hollie Demands Justice’ campaign re-arrested and seen by a Doctor, two psychiatrists and a psychologist

Post  Tony Bennett on Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:11 pm

Robert Green, campaigner for a ‘full investigation’ into what he and Hollie Greig’s mother say is the abuse of Hollie over a period of 14 years (from when she was 6 to the age of 20) by a network of 31 Scottish paedophiles, was re-arrested in his Cheshire home last week (13 February) and taken to Perth, where he was questioned and charged with repeated breach of a court order.

He is currently remanded in custody in Perth Prison awaiting a pre-trial hearing on 21 February. A fellow ‘Hollie Greig campaigner’, Tim ‘Rusty’ Rustige, who lives near Robert Green in Cheshire and is accused of a campaign of harassment against former top law officer in Scotland, Elish Angiolini, will appear in court on Monday on a charge of harassment of her in Oxford, where she now lives, and misuse of the telecommunciations network (harassment over the internet). Anne Greig and Robert Green accuse Angiolini of masterminding a cover-up and protecting high-level Scottish paedophiles.

A one-sided account of his arrest and the claimed reasons for it was given by Brian Gerrish on the UK Column TV channel today and can be found here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uqGRTrZeemA – starting at 8 mins 30 secs and finishing at 15 mins 30 secs.

The case for Robert Green is made out also on this website:


The allegation is that he has repeatedly named as paedophiles up to 31 people – allegedly named by Hollie Greig as having abused her – despite clear court orders telling him he must not repeat such serious alleagtions. There is no credible evidence that anyone has ever sexually abused Hollie, never mind 31 paedophiles – including major figures in the Scottish legal system – over a period of 14 years. 

Both Brian Gerrish and UK Column and those behind the ‘Hollie Greig Hoax’ campaign (two of whom are members of this forum) have indepedently confirmed that such is Robert Green’s mental state at the moment that, following his being locked up in Perth Prison, he was seen by a doctor (Dr Weardon), two lady psychiatrists, and a psychologist. The police say they have geniune concerns about his mental health, hence his being seen by this array of experts.

Green is trying to bring a parallel action against Sheriff Bowen for alleged ‘racism’.

The basis for this is that during his trial two years ago for breach of the peace and harassment, Sheriff Bowen called him ‘an Englishman’.

The believers in Hollie Greig’s claims – or, rather, Anne Greig’s claims – include tens of thousands of people worldwide, Brian Gerrish and the UK Column Team and David Icke, whose forum deletes any evidence that the claims of Anne Greig and Robert may be false. Clear evidence has been supplied repeatedly to Brian Gerrish and UK Column (and David Icke for that matter) that there is no factual basis for the extraordinary claims of Anne Greig and Robert Green, but they are deaf and blind to the evidence; they don’t want to even see or acknowledge it.

The comprehensive report of the Scottish Police Ombudsman (the PCCS), 2008, into 15 complaints by Anne Greig – rejecting all of them and giving clear reasons for doing so – is just a part of that evidence. That evidence is elsewhere on this forum.

Brian Gerrish and UK Column maintain that those behind the Hollie Greig Hoax website:


are MI5 agents protecting the paedophiles in the British establishment.


Tony Bennett
Posts: 7795
Join date: 2009-11-25
Age: 66
Location: Harlow, Essex

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Update 21 February 2014

Post  Tony Bennett on Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:53 pm


Sylvia Major, one of the 31 alleged Scottish paedophiles according to Anne Greig (mother of Hollie Greig) and Robert Green, ‘phoned me tonight with an update on the appearance of Robert Green in court in Scotland today.
She attended with her friend and supporter Maggs Shaw, both of whom are members here at CMOMM. Maggs is one of two people who have done most to research and expose the ‘Hollie Greig Hoax’, perpetrated by Anne Greig in the first place, and then developed by Robert Green [see www.theholliegreigcoverup.net ].

The other main member of the ‘Hollie Demands Justice’ (HDJ) campaign, Belinda McKenzie, was also there, with four other HDJ supporters. It is believed that all donations to the HDJ campaign go into her persoanl PayPal account. There is no committee, no society bank account, and no Treasurer.
The session was, unusually, closed to the public.

Robert Green was formally remitted for trial in about three months’ time and was again remanded in custody to Perth Prison.
His friend from Cheshire, and fellow HDJ supporter, Tim ‘Rusty’ Rustige, will appear in court on Monday on similar charges. He is alleged to have harassed a former senior Scottish law officer, Elish Angiolini, who now lives in Oxford. Rustige and Green claim she is covering up a powerful Scottish judiciary paedophile ring.

Belinda McKenzie, despite now heading a campaign which firmly believes that Hollie told the whole truth and nothing but the truth about the abuse she is supposed to have suffered, admitted that she does not believe that Sylvia Major is an abuser, or ever abused Hollie. McKenzie said the same to me this summer. McKenzie now says she believes only Hollie’s father and elder brother abused her. There is absolutely zero evidence that they did anything of the kind.

Meanwhile the HDJ campaign continues to fool Brian Gerrish and his friends at UK Column, and David Icke and his followers. Moderators on the David Icke forum have banned any attempt to present the evidence found by the Hollie Greig Hoax group. Brian Gerrish ’phoned me up during the week to tell me that Sylvia and Maggs and other members of the Hollie Greig Hoax had deceived me ‘hook, line and sinker’ and that they were members of shadowy security service organisations who were helping to keep this Scottish paedophile ring from facing justice.

I challenged him with the detailed findings of the Police Complaints Commission for Scotland, which in a comprehensive report demolished the 15 separate complaints made by Anne Greig. Brian maintains that the entire PCCS is also ‘in with the elite paedophiles’.  

Brian single-handedly led the campaign to expose the true nature of Common Purpose. That was a job very well done.

But it is him who has fallen hook, line and sinker for the lies of Greig and Green.   


Tony Bennett
Posts: 7795
Join date: 2009-11-25
Age: 66
Location: Harlow, Essex

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Re: Robert Green of the ‘Hollie Demands Justice’ campaign re-arrested and seen by a Doctor, two psychiatrists and a psychologist

Post  Tony Bennett on Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:10 pm

For balance, here is what UKColumn have to say about the case today – there’s also a slightly outdated video about today’s hearing on their website: www.ukcolumn.org


Latest update on arrest of child abuse campaigner Robert Green;

Aberdeen police attempt to section Robert at Aberdeen’s Cornhill Hospital the same hospital used to section Anne Grieg when she reported the abuse of her daughter to Grampian Police;

Robert Green asks Cheshire Chief Constable David Whatton and Police Commissioner John Dwyer to protect him against corrupt Scottish police but they collaborate in his arrest and removal of evidence;

Chief Super Adrian Watson trumpets his performance whilst his force fail to apprehend child abusers;

Scottish Law Reporter reports of paedophiles in Dame Elish Angiolini’s Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service as police evidence of paedophiles mysteriously moves to computer of another Fiscal Service Officer;

Alex Salmond holds responsibility for paedophile corruption at heart of the judicial system but loses or hides documents pertaining to abuse;

Possibility exists Robert Green is ensnared in the pernicious Scottish MAPPA system;

Paedophilic Scottish Government launches ‘Getting it Righ’t initiative placing a named person alongside every child from birth;

UK debt hits £1.239 trillion… [REST SNIPPED]

To view the original article CLICK HERE



Posted by: Greg Lance-Watkins

tel: 01594 – 528 337
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Summary, archive, facts & comments on UKIP: http://UKIP-vs-EUkip.com
DO MAKE USE of LINKS & >Right Side Bar< & The Top Bar >PAGES<
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Stolen Childhood with links: http://StolenChildhood-Bloggers.Blogspot.com

Views I almost Totally Share: CLICK HERE
General Stuff archive: http://gl-w.blogspot.com
General Stuff ongoing: http://gl-w.com
 Health Blog.: http://GregLW.blogspot.com


Posted in Anne GREIG, Hollie Greig, Hollie Greig Hoax, Robert GREEN, Tony BENNETT | Tagged: , , , , , , | Leave a Comment »